Monday, February 16, 2009

The Magic That was Charlie

When I worked at BBDO there was this major Creative Director, Charlie. He was legendary for his cruelty. He'd have everyone in his half of the agency come into the hall and say Pizzz Hut was in trouble. He'd then say 'if we don't save this account, everybody look to the left of you and to the right of you and that's who will be fired. So I'm gonna look at work on Sunday night at 7 p.m. And if you want to keep your jobs you better be there. This was like on a Friday afternoon. So everybody would work all weekend and low and behold Charlie wouldn't show up on Sunday at 7:00 p.m. or at 8, 9 , 10 or 11. He wouldn't come in at all. He'd be off fucking some new girlfriend of his. He was on like his 4th marriage. Then Monday we'd get in a line outside his office. Then he'd call in his favorite 5 guys who he played basketball with at lunch and they'd all come up with some dogshit spot. Then Charlie would come out into the hall and say 'thanks everybody we've got it covered'. But it get's worse. Rumor has it that during an important client meeting, a very attractive account woman came rushing into the meeting late. All the seats were filled. She said "I've got no where to sit". Charlie responded, in front of the client, 'honey, as long as I've got a face, you've got a place to sit'. The woman rushed out of the room. She sued him but settled for like 100 grand. this was before the real sexual harrasment suits started.

By Anonymous


  1. When I was starting out as a copywriter I got this job at a hack agency. It eventually got so bad that I decided I want out. I thought - How could I leverage my present situation into getting a better job at an edgier agency?

    The solution: I would make a series of mini coffins out of balsa wood. As you opened the lid of the coffin there was a message scribbled on a piece of paper that read "Help ...I'm trapped in a dead-end and I want out!". I was going to hand deliver these coffins to the creative directors of all the agencies I liked, and then follow up a few days later with a phone call from the "Coffin Caller".

    Some of them loved the idea, some were neutral. One CD blasted me out. He said it was disgusting and that I had no taste.

    Two weeks later I found out that his mother had passed away two days before he received my coffin.

  2. hey dude you should check out my blog
